Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday Morning Coffee: Sound / Sports / Silence

On past Wednesday morning turned on the desktop computer, intending to catch up on the news, only to be greeted by video but no audio.  

Up to that point the audio was working and now it wasn't. After several failed attempts to correct the problem, gave up and moved over to a laptop.  

Without any difficulty, the laptop video and audio  worked.  The problem was not in receiving the signals, but in the desktop.

Continued daily, the rest of the week, to restore the desktop audio with no success.  Gave up and Saturday scheduled appointment with a local computer repair expert.

Sunday morning started the desktop computer intending to process photographs but first made a couple final attempts to restore the sound.  

Wonder of wonders, a sequence of attempts produced the missing audio.  Canceled the expert appointment.

For what it's worth, have no idea what I did to produce audio.

Inside over the weekend, thanks to the laptop, viewed with sound, several sporting events.  The woman's Owls basketball team suffered their first season lost while both Liverpool and the Boston Celtics posted wins.  

As the weather warms, the snow is slowly melting away.  Yes, it is warmer but not enough for us to be out and about for extended periods of time.

The area weather forecast for the coming week promises 50f.  If this happens, Paisley and I will have a go at a tranquil Preble County wander. 

Need a bit of silent time away from the World events as orchestrated by elected officials.   

    Preble County, Ohio.
All writing and images © Richard W. Rodgers unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission.

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