Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee: Political Question / Response

Been attempting, these past months, to gain some kind of understanding about the United States national  political environment. 
The population is indeed greatly divided.  Wish to gain an understanding of how / why this is the case. 
Living in a small city, have limited knowledge of the near-by rural landscape.  While a brief rural journey won't provide everything, at least it would be an introduction.
So, as Sunday morning was a rather warm bright start to the day, decided would be a fine time to pack up the camera kit, load up the car and set out to West Central Ohio for a look see.

Drove out of town a short distance along US Route 40.  Just over the Indiana boarder and into Ohio, came across 
    Route 40 / Ohio. 
what was left of a truck stop that was abandoned when Interstate 70 was constructed and opened.  A new Station was constructed nearer to the freeway.
A few miles further along 40, turned North onto a secondary rural road bounded on the left and right by harvested soy beans fields and dried corn fields ready to be harvested. 
Passing farm fields, isolated homes and very small communities.  The dominant structure, if there was one, would be a grain elevator with little if any other businesses.  This is the Rural Midwest.
Stopped in Pitsburg - population less then 400 - where, except for the elevator, there appeared to be no other open commercial operations.     
    Pitsburg, Ohio.

This scene was repeated over and over and over.  Oh there might be a very small bar / restaurant, perhaps a elevator, but for the most part nothing else.

Have written it many times, these are hard times in the  Midwest, especially for rural folks.  Ever so many are leaving and communities are losing not only people but opportunities.

This region and these folks require solutions.  It's time for something / someone to come in order to improve these conditions.

At a final stop, believe have discovered the answer for many, especially rural America, to my query w.r.t. the national political environment.   

    Greenville, Ohio.
This is what so many believe is the answer to their difficulties.  For others, the memory of a snake oil salesman comes to mind.  
Enough already, today have traveled on this day about 100 miles on rural backroads and found no, none, nada signage or support for an alternative choice. 
Time to turn around and head West an then South to the safety of home.
All writing and images © Richard W. Rodgers unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission.

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