Friday, February 2, 2024

TGIF: Computer Woes / Stone Angel Maiden


 Been a rather unusual past few days.

First off, suddenly while typing on the computer keyboard, one of the keys - letter t - stopped working.  Pressing on it to enter a t it would not stop.  Instead it just kept producing tttttttttt.....

O.K - had another keyboard.  Got it, installed fresh batteries,   plugged it in and installed it.  The new keyboard would type t but - guess what - it would not type p.  Enough already!

Went downstairs, fired up an very old PC computer that had a touch screen which worked.  Not the fastest way to work, but it did the job without problems.  Next task is to obtain a new keyboard.

Secondly, yesterday - Thursday afternoon - sat down in front of the computer, which now has a working keyboard, planing to watch a recorded program.  Turned on the computer, opened up the program and hit the start arrow.  No sound, nothing, nada.

Went thru the drill - check wires and plugs, try another program with a soundtrack, shut down the machine and restart it - still no sound.

Next steps - get a cup of coffee and while drinking it look out the window.  After the cup was empty, looked - using Google - for possible solutions. 

For the next 3 hours, found and tried a rather large number of suggestions.  It seems that others have had a similar problem.

After continued failures shut down the computer which now types but doesn't talk, looked at Paisley, said lets go outside and get some fresh air.

Returning refreshed, poured something stronger than coffee, carried it upstairs and turned on the computer.  Opened up a program with a soundtrack, hit play and - wonder of wonders - there was sound.  Went back to the original program to find that it now played with sound.  The Computer God had appeared and fixed the problem.  Have no idea why it suddenly works but will just enjoy the fact that it does.

Earlier on a rather nice day, seeking a spot of quiet time, picked up a camera, drove over to a nearby cemetery and did a short walkabout.

Came away with several photographs including:

          Richmond, Indiana.

All writing and images © Richard W. Rodgers unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission. 

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