Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Black & White Wednesday: Well, Maybe


Often wonder about whether digital photography cameras have improved - over time - since their introduction.

Personally, began moving from film to digital in 2002, purchasing in May a just introduced Nikon Coolpix 5700.

It had a fixed Nikkor-Zoom lens with 35mm equivalent  focal range of 35-280mm, two ED lens elements and 5.0 effective megapixels.  

These days, with available cameras offering 24+ megapixels, using one with only 5 would seem to be way less than choice as such a camera would be unable to produce acceptable results.

Well maybe, consider. 

   Ixtpa, Mexico.
Note the tonal range, highlight detail along with shadow detail and sharpness.  Would say that this 5mp camera has produced a fine acceptable result.
These days, used working Nikon Coolpix 5700 cameras are available and priced as low as $20. 
Makes me wonder a bit about the difference a $6,000 Leica camera would offer. YMMV
All writing and images © Richard W. Rodgers unless expressly noted. Do not use without permission.

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