Monday, March 4, 2019

Monday Morning Coffee: Slowly Returnig To Blogville

When folks start contacting me to see if I'm still above ground, it's time to write a update of what's going on.

After two months - November and December - of one leg walking and continual leg pain, in January had a hip replacement operation. This replacement joined the previous three - two knees and the other hip. 

The following six weeks have consisted of daily physical therapy.  While unable to return to wandering about the rural roads of Preble County, short neighborhood walks several times a day offer the hope/dream of once again returning to the countryside.

Needless to say, there has been very little photography.  As a preparation for the day when this happens, have attempted pair down the camera kit.  As prefer not changing lenses in the field,  normally, would carry three cameras each with a different lens - wide, normal, telephoto. 

After several hours of reading reviews and checking specifications, selected a Panasonic FZ2500 body with built in 24mm to 480mm lens.  This would enable the two cameras with normal and telephoto lenses to be replaced by one.

After a bit more use, will write more about this exchange.  

Will close with an example from the FZ2500.  

    Richmond, Indiana.
Often use this building to test and checkout cameras, lenses and settings.  Click on image for a larger view.

Can't promise a new blog entry everyday but will continue posting as much as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I am very pleased to see the return of the blog, always a source of rich visual material, much of it documenting the architectural language and cultural values of our midwestern roots. A tradition past and lost in many cases but for these careful photographic records. Thank you, Dick Rodgers! And glad YOU are back photographing!
