Been off line for a few days due to a rather serious health issue.
Early Tuesday morning - 4:00 am - woke up, attempting to get out of bed, stand up and couldn't. Fell back into bed and tried several more times with no success.
After a bit later managed on hands and knees to make it to living room. Called a near by relative who quickly arrived, checked out the scene and called 911.
EMT folks arrived, placed me in their vehicle and we headed to hospital E.R. Meanwhile, Liah was taken to Camp Kennel.
The next four hours consisted of questions, answers and several medical tests resulting in a decision to move to hospital for further testing and observation.
Shortly after in hospital room the medical procedures began with a round of various nurses and doctors with questions and tests.
The following hours and days were a mixture rest, tests and questions.
One of the many tests was an MRI of my head that reminded me of an earlier photograph.
Winchester, Indiana.
Finally, after the many tests and much questioning, was decided to release and allow a return home. Believe that the cause of the medical problem was not discovered and that the modifications of diet and addition medications are an effort to treat the effect.
In any case, we both a very happy to be home and walking together again.
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